好听的歌 跟你们分享。。 :)
Friday, April 29, 2011
第2名。。。第2名。。。什么鬼啦!!! 他们有什么资格赢我们??? 一群COPY CAT!!! SH*T!!
第2名。。。第2名。。。什么鬼啦!!! 他们有什么资格赢我们??? 一群COPY CAT!!! SH*T!!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
CS Competition...
Mastama Inn... We lived in Mastama inn...Quite a nice place... Just that the rooms are... A bit... Small... But some of the rooms are big lah! But... OK Lah... Miss my mum n dad... TT.TT Haiz... May GOd Bless us.... CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UP UP, CHUNG HUA!! UP UP, CHUNG HUA!!!!!! 美中, 冲啊!! 美中,冲啊!!!! YAY!!!!! CHCS IS THE BEST!!!!!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Because I Love You
Friday, April 15, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Who is GOD??

Lots of people say they believe in God, but they don’t really know who he is.
Suppose one day a little girl named Abbey walked past the place where you live.
“Someone must live there,” she thinks to herself.
And she would be right - YOU live there! But then suppose she thought you had long, pointy ears, and yellow teeth, and furry feet; and that you hated dogs; and all you did was sit around all day eating ice cream and playing video games.
That wouldn’t be you at all!
....except maybe for the video games part.
That is sort of God’s problem.
People see the moon and the stars and they think, “Someone must live there!” And they would be right. God does.
But then they get all kinds of different ideas about who God is.
And most of those ideas aren’t really who God is at all.
Abbey and her friends might sit around at lunch and talk about the person who lives in the place where you live, and in one way they all are right. Someone DOES live there. But if Abbey thinks you have furry feet, and one of her friends thinks you are just a kid who likes to play basketball, they aren’t really talking about the same person at all.
That’s how it is for God.
People say they believe in God. But what if one person thinks that God is the all-loving, all-powerful person who created everything there is. Then another person thinks that God is an old man with a white beard sitting up in a cloud somewhere. And then another person thinks that God is the statue of a cat he has sitting on his dresser. They aren’t really talking about the same person at all.
God had to find a way to let us know who he really is.
That’s why God chose Abraham.
God TOLD Abraham who he was.
Abraham and his family became God’s “Chosen People.”
It’s not that they were better than anyone else. No, God chose them not because they were so great, but because God is so great.
God chose Abraham and his family to show us who he really is.
When God blessed them with good things, we see that God is good.
When God punished them, we learn what God thinks is right and what he thinks is wrong.
When we hear the stories of the things God has done, that’s how we know that God is real. That’s how we know who God is.
But even more important than that, through all the stories of Abraham and his family we come to know Jesus.
We come to know that Jesus really IS God's son, and that he came to earth to make a way for us to live with God forever. And that's what everything in heaven and earth is all about.
It's all about just how much God loves us!
As black n white skim through our colourless encounter.. Even so, i'll search for that one my true love.. If i could, i would wrap u around me like th
As black n white skim through our colourless encounter..
Even so, i'll search for that one my true love..
If i could, i would wrap u around me like this n be done..
Fill me with your love, even it's the last time..
Even so, i'll search for that one my true love..
If i could, i would wrap u around me like this n be done..
Fill me with your love, even it's the last time..
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to span your life?
-Matthew 6:27-
Dear God,
I remember now that as written on Matthew 6, You told us once not to worry about our life. Not to worry too about what we will eat or drink; or about our body, what we will wear. For You feeds the birds of the air who do not sow or reap or store away in barns. For You also takes care of the flowers of the field who do not labor or spin.
I realize that recently, when we were waiting for our new office announcement, we did worry too much about our future. We asked You very often about when the time would come. We worried about our next plans, such as taking a course. We worried about almost everything.
Finally, the day is coming too. We just got the announcement of our new office this afternoon. Really, this is very amazing. Our excitement puts aside our fatigue of waiting. Your plans never fail us, indeed.
Dear God,
How can i say thanks for the every single things You have done for me? I am just a sinner, a terribly bad one. I don't deserved to get these all, actually. There's a lot of good people out there, yet You choose me to have these blessings.
I am very lucky, You know. To have You in my life. With Your blood, You have saved me. And these blessings continually flow to my life.
I don't know exactly, God, about Your plan of putting me in KPP BUMN. But i do know exactly that i don't have to worry again. From now on, i will rely fully on you to show me the next step to follow Your great plan about my life. Give my strength and courage, oh God, to keep my faith on You. Especially during the bleakest time. I may be face with an accident, illness, natural disaster, or loss of employment. But i know that i am not alone in a heartless universe. In every circumstance, every day, You will be with me.
Dear God,
Again, thank you, oh God, very much for the blessings. The voices of million Kerubim and Serafim could not express my humble gratitude. Thank you.

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